Step 4

1.           Evaluate and deep analysis,


               What is considered drunk driving? “By law, a driver is considered to be impaired by        alcohol if his or her blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent (0.08 grams of alcohol per       100 milliliters of blood) or higher. A driver is any operator of a motor vehicle, which   includes motorcycle, truck, and passenger vehicle.” (Holzmueller, 2015). While each    state has different laws for drinking and driving, they each share the same foundation       laws.


Alcohol has a very significant effect on the functions of the body which are vital to         driving and being able to function. Alcohol is a depressant, which mainly affects the       function of the brain. Alcohol first affects the most vital components of the brain and      when the brain cortex is released from its functions of integrating and control,             processes related to judgment and behavior occur in a disorganized fashion and the            proper operation of behavioral tasks becomes disrupted. In all actuality alcohol            weakens a variety of skills that are necessary to perform everyday tasks.


(“Why people drink and drive: the bases of drinking-and-driving decisions.”                         1995). Peer pressure can be a horrible thing, giving the feeling that a person has to do  something even when they know it is not right. It is a leading cause for choosing    to drink and drive. A person’s usual behavior can affect the decision to drink and drive.           The reasoning behind this usual behavior is that the person drinks and drives on a            regular bases so why change that behavior if they have never been caught. Other      factors involved in drinking and driving include age, genders, and time of day or day         of the week.

Somehow there’s always some cases of drunk drivers in Malaysia and if there is no    solution taken, there might be some implication of these especially to the society             such as there might risking their safety and lives as careless decisions can erase all   the boundaries that protect us. Next are the rehabilitation costs such as treatment.        Finally, an accident or loss of life that results from a drunk driver can lead to endless           financial consequences. The legal fees, the cost of repairs to property and the liability         paid out to victims can paralyze individuals and their families. Sudden physical       impairment or unexpected death is traumatic. Few people can cope with these losses    even with a strong support system and professional resources. Guilt can overcome convicted drunk drivers while anger may harvest within victims or their families.           There is no permanent remedy that heals feelings of loss and safety. The emotional     impact remains forever.

Being caught drinking and driving can change a person’s life forever and can carry    heavy some penalties. So what happens when a person is caught driving under the       influence of alcohol. That would depend on where a person lives, the number of         offenses, and the BAC. The penalties can range from a simple fine, to jail time, or         rehabilitation.








2.               Have deep analysis for alternative,


Strategies to Reduce or Prevent Drunk Driving


               To prevent drunk driving, making a plan for a sober designated driver ahead of time with everyone agreeing to it is best. There are tips for stopping drunk driving that are effective in keeping your friends and family safe, from ruining lives and out of legal trouble. There are strategies The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration agrees are effective it the reduction and prevention of driving while intoxicated.


Eliminate Drunk Driving:

               Everyone is familiar with sobriety checkpoints where police located at specific, highly visible points stop vehicles checking to see if there is an impaired driver behind the wheel. Police stop all drivers passing through, or a certain portion and may administer breathalyzer tests if police feel a reason exists the driver may be intoxicated.


Ignition interlocks installed in vehicles of people convicted of driving drunk, will keep the car from starting if there is a BAC above a specific level of alcohol on a driver’s breath. These ignition interlocks will have the greatest impact if installed for every offender, including first time convictions.


Spreading messages through mass media campaigns of the legal consequences and dangers of drunk driving persuade drivers to not drink and drive, and encourages people to prevent others from driving drunk. This strategy is most effective when combined with other prevention strategies.


Educate Kids on the Dangers of Drunk Driving:

               Educate kids of the state laws; zero tolerance for those under 21.Talk to schools about implementing school-based educational programs. Seek the help of a local DWI lawyer who may be willing to donate his or her time to help educate kids about the legal consequences of drinking and driving.Talk to your kids about the dangers and ask open-ended questions on how they feel about the issue of drunk drivers. Provide tips on what to do if faced with a friend attempting to drive drunk. Stress the importance to never ride with a drunk driver and to call a parent or a friend for a ride.Educate children on the consequences of drunk driving.


Keep Friends and Family from Driving Drunk:

               Make a plan – everyone agrees on a sober DD (designated driver) or alternate transportation; taxi, public transportation, a ride to and from a location. Remain calm and as non-confrontational as possible if a situation occurs. Speak slowly to the intoxicated person so they can understand better, taking extra time to rationalize with them. Tragedy can be stopped before it happens.  Don’t wait until your friend or loved one is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and subsequently facing serious consequences. Using these strategies to reduce or prevent drunk driving can save the lives of friends and family members.

Blog report :


3        Justify the suggestion


Always make good decisions and plan ahead. Here are some solutions to avoid drunk driving:


Ø  Always choose a non-drinking designated driver — every time you go out.

Ø  If you go out alone, do not drink alcohol. Order a non-alcoholic beverage such as a soft drink or water.

Ø  Never feel pressured to drink alcohol. If you do plan on drinking, do so responsibly. Eat plenty of food and drink water.

Ø  If you've been drinking, call a taxi or car-sharing service for a ride, like Uber or Lyft.

Ø  Never get in a car with a driver who has been drinking.

Ø  Protect others by taking their keys if they attempt to drive after consuming alcohol. They may be mad at you, but the alternative is much worse.
