Step 2



11) Table I indicates the majority of the respondent is female with the percentage of 50.7% as compared to the male respondent which is 49.3%. In the section of age, 14% of them are from the age of 18 to 20, 68.7% of them are from the age of 21 to 23 and lastly 17.3% of them are from the age of 24 to 26. It has been found out that the majority of the respondent is Malay with the percentage of 67.3%. 18.0% of them are Chinese and 14.7% of them are Indian.


2)     Table II above indicates that the majority of the respondent started drinking alcohol at the age of 17 with the percentage of 28%. While 20% of respondents started to drink at the age of 18. At the age of 19 and 20, its share same percentage which is 16.7%. The least number of respondents who started to drink is at the age of 23. This is worrying statistic, as in Malaysia at the age of seventeen, the youths are at the level of secondary school which will sit for Malaysia Education Certificate exam



3)     From the Table III below, it indicates that most of respondents drink because of they want to try something new to them. With the higher number of percentage, 39.3% with the reason of trying. Followed by 14%, respondent tends to drink because of their family. This is because their family consumed alcohol and makes them to follow what their family did. Next percentage is 20% where respondents started to drink because want to have fun. Besides that, some of the respondents started to drink due to stress. By taking alcohol, they believe it will reduce the stress condition; however, this assumption is violating the medical facts. Friends also are the reason of the respondents to start drinking with the number of percentage, 15%.


4)     On the above Table IV shows that most of respondents drink during special occasion with the percentage of 40.7%, 25.3% of them drink only on weekends, 21.3% of them once a week, 11.3% of them drink for three to five times a week and 1.3% of them drink everyday.



H1: There is a significant relationship between International Journal of Culture and History, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2015 interpersonal problems and alcoholism among the youth.

H2: There is a significant relationship between the availability of alcohol and alcoholism among the youth.

H3: There is a significant relationship between poor or lack of knowledge of alcoholism and alcoholism among the youth.

5)     Based on the Table V above, it shows that hypothesis H1 is accepted (r=. 143,p<0.05) . Therefore, there is a significant positive relationship between interpersonal problems and alcoholism among the youth. It was hypothesized that higher interpersonal problems resulted in the alcoholism among youth. It also shows that hypothesis H2 also accepted (r=. 222,p<0.05) where there is a significant positive relationship between the availability of alcohol and alcoholism among the youth. It was hypothesized that higher availability of alcohol resulted in the alcoholism among youth. Lastly, the table shows there is a relationship between poor knowledge and alcoholism with, r=. 187,p<0.05. Therefore, there is a significant positive relationship between poor or lack of knowledge of alcoholism and alcoholism among the youth.


Drunk driving is the act of driving under the influence of alcohol. A small increase in the blood alcohol content increases the relative risk of a motor vehicle crash. Alcohol has a very significant effect on the functions of the body which are vital to driving and being able to function. Alcohol is a depressant, which mainly affects the function of the brain. Alcohol first affects the most vital components of the brain and when the brain cortex is released from its functions of integrating and control, processes related to judgment and behavior occur in a disorganized fashion and the proper operation of behavioral tasks becomes disrupted. In all actuality alcohol weakens a variety of skills that are necessary to perform everyday tasks. Drunk driving involved all age from teenagers to adult,in Malaysia the accident involving drunk drive has significant increase every year.It stated by the Transport Ministry around 2,281 individuals were affected by drink driving accidents in Malaysia from 2011 to 2018, with about half of them dying and about half of them either suffering serious or minor injuries.Based on the data stated most of the people start consume alcohol during their teenagers period.So we can conclude that the main problem lies on the law involving the selling of alcohol.In Malaysia,we can found alcohol in club,supermarket and convenience store being sold 24 hours.A new law involving the selling of alcohol must be modified for example reduced the time selling of alcohol product and law involving  age restriction for alcohol product. Although the law by government is important but awareness of the effect of alcohol to body must be increase among societies.In order to ensure the society follow the rules and law the knowledge about alcohol must be spread among society.By the increase of awareness toward alcohol among society the drunk driving cases in Malaysia.In conclusion,alcohol is a medium that must be restricted and controlled by the government and people.The consuming of alcohol during teenagers also must not be normalised in society.So, the government and Malaysian people must be aware of the danger cause by alcohol and strive to prevent this problem from spread further in our country.










